Home Editorial A Kenyan woman reveals her violent lover, who nearly murdered her –...

A Kenyan woman reveals her violent lover, who nearly murdered her – This man is a narcissist (PHOTOS).


After being viciously abused by her ex-boyfriend when she broke up with him, a young woman from Kenya is pleading with the court for justice.

Despite the fact that their three years of dating were not without its challenges, she remained hopeful that things would turn out okay.

But after he severely beat her, the toxic relationship deteriorated even further.

She was knocked out by the vicious attack.

In a fit of fright, her boyfriend contacted her mother to arrange for a ride to the hospital and pick-up.

He told her mother a fib, saying she got into a fight with a friend.

Even after she broke up with her controlling ex, he continues to stalk her.

She even told the police about the situation.

She wrote what you see here.



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