Home Entertainment AZZIZAD is accused of abandoning her elderly father despite leading a wealthy...

AZZIZAD is accused of abandoning her elderly father despite leading a wealthy lifestyle, as revealed by her brother.


Azzizad Nasenya, a well-known social media influencer, has been charged with abandoning her village’s elderly father.

Madollar Mapesa, an influential figure on Instagram, claims to have received a message from Azzizad’s brother pleading for money to get their sick father to the hospital.

When the family contacted Azzizad, she refused to send money to transport him to the hospital even though he was in urgent need of medical assistance after losing his breath.

Madollar sent Azzizad’s brother Ksh 50,000 and made a promise to buy him a motorcycle when he was compelled to seek assistance.

He allegedly informed Madollar that despite securing profitable transactions, Azzizad doesn’t transfer any money to her family.

She has also neglected her grandmother who raised her.

Maddolar accused Azzizad of faking a lavish lifestyle on social media and shared messages between him and her brother.

This is what he posted on his Instagram account.



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